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[31] S.-M. Ma, J. Ma, J. Yeh, Y.-N. Yeh, Eulerian pairs and Eulerian recurrence systems, Discrete Math., 345 (2022),  112716. (JCR2 )

[30] S.-M. Ma, Q. Fang, T. Mansour, Y.-N. Yeh Alternating Eulerian polynomials and left peak polynomials, Discrete Math., 345 (2022), 112714. (JCR2 )

[29] Z. Lin, S.-M. Ma, D.G.L. Wang, L. Wang. Positivity and divisibility of enumerators of alternating descents. Ramanujan J (2021). (JCR2 )

[28]  S.-M. Ma, J. Ma, Y.-N. Yeh, R.R. Zhou, Jacobian elliptic functions and a family of bivariate peak polynomials, European J. Combin., 97 (2021), 103371. (JCR2 )

[27] Z. Lin, J. Ma, S.-M. Ma, Y. Zhou, Weakly increasing trees on a multiset, Advances in applied mathematics, 129 (2021), 102206. (JCR4 )

[26] S.-M. Ma, J. Ma, J. Yeh, Y.-N. Yeh, The 1/k-Eulerian polynomials of type B, Electron. J. Combin., 27(3) (2020), P3.27. (JCR3 )

[25] S.-M. Ma, J. Ma, Y.-N. Yeh, David-Barton type identities and alternating run polynomials, Advances in applied mathematics, 114 (2020), 101978. (JCR4 )

[24] S.-M. Ma, T. Mansour, D.G.L. Wang, Y.-N. Yeh, Several variants of the Dumont differential system and permutation statistics, Sci. China Math., 62(10) (2019), 2033-2052. (JCR2 )

[23] S.-M. Ma, J. Ma, Y.-N. Yeh, Gamma-positivity and partial gamma-positivity of descent-type polynomials, Journal of combinatorial theory, Series A, 167 (2019), 257–293. (JCR2 )

[22] T.-W. Chao, J. Ma, S.-M. Ma, Y.-N. Yeh, 1/k-Eulerian polynomials and k-inversion sequences, Electr. J. Combin., 26(3) (2019), P3.35. (JCR3 )

[21] S.-M. Ma, J. Ma, Y.-N. Yeh, The ascent-plateau statistics on Stirling permutations, Electron. J. Combin., 26(2) (2019), #P2.5. (JCR3 )

[20] S.-M. Ma, J. Ma, Y.-N. Yeh, On certain combinatorial expansions of the Legendre-Stirling numbers, Electron. J. Combin., 25(4) (2018), P4.57. (JCR2 )

[19] G.-H. Duh, Y.-C. R Lin, S.-M. Ma, Y.-N. Yeh , Some statistics on Stirling permutations and Stirling derangements, Discrete Math., 341 (2018), 2478-2484. (JCR3 )

[18] S.-M. Ma, J. Ma, Y.-N. Yeh, B.-X. Zhu, Context-free grammars for several polynomials associated with Eulerian polynomials. Electron. J. Combin., 25(1) (2018), P1.31. (JCR2 )

[17] A. Knopfmacher, S.-M. Ma, T. Mansour, and S. Wagner, Geometrically distributed Stirling words and Stirling compositions, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 460(1) (2018), 98-120. (JCR1 )

[16] S.-M. Ma, Y.-N. Yeh. Eulerian polynomials, Stirling permutations of the second kind and perfect matchings. Electron. J. Combin., 24(4) (2017), P4.27. (JCR2 )

[15] J. Ma, S.-M. Ma, Y.-N. Yeh, X. Zhu, The cycle descent statistic on permutations, Electron. J. Combin., 23(4) (2016), P4.20. (JCR3 )

[14] S.-M. Ma, Y.-N. Yeh, The peak statistics on simsun permutations, Electron. J. Combin., 23(2) (2016), P2.14. (JCR3 )

[13] S.-M. Ma, Y.-N. Yeh, Enumeration of permutations by number of alternating descents, Discrete Math., 339 (2016), 1362-1367.  (JCR3 )

[12] S.-M. Ma, T. Mansour, Pattern restricted Stirling k-ary words, the plateau statistic and the kernel method. Discrete Appl. Math., 206 (2016), 100-108. (JCR2 )

[11] S.-M. Ma, Y.-N. Yeh, Stirling permutations, cycle structure of permutations and perfect matchings, Electron. J. Combin., 22(4) (2015), P4.43. (JCR3 )

[10] D. Callan, S.-Mei Ma, T. Mansour, Some combinatorial arrays related to the Lotka-Volterra system, Electron. J. Combin., 22(2) (2015), P2.22. (JCR3 )

[9] S.-M. Ma, T. Mansour, The 1/k-Eulerian polynomials and k-Stirling permutations, Discrete Math., 338 (2015), 1468-1472.  (JCR3 )

[8] R.A. Brualdi, S-M. Ma, Enumeration of involutions by descents and symmetric matrices, European J. Combin., 43 (2015), 220-228. (JCR2 )

[7] C.-O. Chow, S-M. Ma, Counting signed permutations by their alternating runs, Discrete Math., 323 (2014), 49-57. (JCR3 )

[6] S.-M. Ma, Enumeration of permutations by number of alternating runs, Discrete Math, 313 (18) (2013), 1816–1822.  (JCR3 )

[5] S.-M. Ma, Some combinatorial arrays generated by context-free grammars, European J. Combin., 34(7) (2013), 1081–1091. (JCR2 )

[4] S.-M. Ma, A family of two-variable derivative polynomials for tangent and secant, Electron. J. Combin., 20(1) (2013), P11. (JCR3 )

[3] S.-M. Ma, An explicit formula for the number of permutations with a given number of alternating runs, Journal of combinatorial theory, Series A 119 (2012), 1660-1664. (JCR2 )

[2] S.-M. Ma, Derivative polynomials and enumeration of permutations by number of interior and left peaks, Discrete Math., 312 (2012), 405-412. (JCR2 )

[1] S.-M. Ma, Identities involving generalized Fibonacci-type polynomials, Appl. Math.
Comput. 217 (2011), 9297-9301. (JCR1 )


[1] 项目名称:组合统计量与构造性组合方法的研究国家自然科学基金面上项目2021.01-2024.12, 在研.

[2项目名称排列统计及其相关计数多项式的若干问题研究国家自然科学基金青年基金, 2015.01-2017.12, 已结题.

[3项目名称Durfee多项式及其零点分布问题, 国家自然科学基金数学天元基金, 2012.01-2012.12, 已结题.

[4项目名称:几类特殊排列的代数组合性质的研究河北省自然科学基金面上项目, 2017.01-2019.12, 已结题.


[1] 2014年入选河北省“三三三人才工程”第三层次.

[2] 2016年入选河北省青年拔尖人才支持计划.

[3] 2019年入选河北省青年拔尖人才持续支持计划.

[4] 2019获河北省数学会青年学术奖二等奖.

五、主要社会团体兼职美国《数学评论》(Mathematical reviews)评论员
