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2021.08-2022.09  德国斯图加特大学,代数与数论研究所访问学者(国家公派留学)

2023.07 新加坡国立大学, 数学系,访问学者

2024.06-07 新加坡国立大学, 数学系,访问学者




[1] Yanbo Li, Xiangyu Qi and Kai Meng Tan. Moving vectors and core blocks of Ariki-Koike algebras. 2025 (preprint) 1-51. arXiv:2502.12725

[2] Yanbo Li and Xiangyu Qi. Moving vectors I: Representation type of blocks of Ariki-Koike algebras.  2023 (preprint) 1-31. arXiv:2302.06107

[3] Yanbo Li and Kai Meng Tan. Cores and weights of multipartitions and blocks of Ariki-Koike algebras. Journal of algebraic combinatorics, 2025 (accepted) 1-22.

[4] Wenxiu Li and Yanbo Li. Rota–Baxter algebra structures arising from cellular algebras. Advances in mathematics (China), 53 (2024) 133-141.

[5] Yanbo Li and Bowen Sun. Semi-simplicity of affine cellular algebras. Journal of algebras and its applications, 23 (2024) 2450170 1-10.

[6] Pei Wang and Yanbo Li. On the Grothendieck ring of the sequence of walled Brauer algebras, Algebra Colloquium, 30 (2023) 395-410

[7] Yanbo Li and Xiaolin Shi. Semi-simplicity of Temperley-Lieb Algebras of type D, Algebra and Representation Theory, 25 (2022) 1133-1158

[8] Yanbo Li and Deke Zhao. On graded symmetric cellular algebras. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 108 (2020) 349-362

[9] Yanbo Li and Dashu Xu. Radicals of weight one blocks of Ariki Koike algebras. Communications in algebra, 48 (2020) 3771-3779

[10] Yanbo Li, Feng Wei and Ajda Fošner. K-commuting mappings of generalized matrix algebras. Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, 79 (2019), 50-77

[11] Yanbo Li and Feng Wei. Jordan derivations of generalized one-point extensions. Filomat, 32 (2018) 4089-4098

[12] Yanbo Li and Feng Wei. Jordan derivations and Lie derivations on path algebras. Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 44 (2018) 79-92

[13] Yanbo Li and Chenyou Zheng. A note on Jordan derivations of trivial generalized matrix algebras. Commun. Korean Math. Soc., 32 (2017) 261-266

[14] Yanbo Li. On the radical of the group algebra of a symmetric group. Journal of algebras and its applications, 16 (2017) 1-11 

[15] Yanbo Li. Nakayama twisted centers and dual bases of Frobenius cellular algebras. Communications in algebra, 43 (2015) 5074-5086

[16] Yanbo Li and Feng Wei. Lie derivations of dual extensions of algebras. Colloquium Mathematicum, 141 (2015) 65-82

[17] Guiyu Yang and Yanbo Li. Standardly based algebras and 0-Hecke algebras. Journal of algebras and its applications, 14 (2015) 1-13

[18] Deke Zhao and Yanbo Li. Fusion procedure for degenerate cyclotomic Hecke algebras. Algebra and Representation Theory, 18 (2015) 449-461

[19] Yanbo Li and Deke Zhao. Projective cell modules of Frobenius cellular algebras. Monatshefte fur mathematic, 175 (2014) 283-291

[20] Yanbo Li. Cellularity of a new class of diagram algebras. Communications in algebra, 42 (2014) 4172-4181

[21] Yanqin Xu and Yanbo Li. K-skew Centralizing Maps of Generalized Matrix Algebras. Advances in mathematics (China), 43 (2014) 505-511

[22] Chenfang Li and Yanbo Li. Jordan left derivations of generalized matrix algebras. Communications in mathematical research, 30 (2014) 301-306

[23] Yanbo Li. Radicals of symmetric cellular algebras. Colloquium Mathematicum, 133 (2013) 67-83

[24] Yanbo Li, L. Wyk and Feng Wei. Jordan derivations and anti-derivations of generalized matrix algebras. Operators and Matrices, 7 (2013) 399-415

[25] Yanbo Li. Nakayama automorphisms of Frobenius cellular algebras. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 86 (2012) 515-524

[26] Yanbo Li and Zhankui Xiao. On cell modules of symmetric cellular algebra. Monatshefte fur mathematic, 168 (2012) 49-64

[27] Yanbo Li and Feng WeiSemi-centralizing maps of generalized matrix algebras. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 436 (2012) 1122-1153

[28] Yanbo Li. Jucys-Murphy elements and centres of cellular algebras. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 85 (2012) 261-270

[29] Yanbo Li and Dominik BenkovicJordan generalized derivations on triangular algebras. Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 59 (2011) 841-849

[30] Yanbo Li and Zhankui Xiao, Additivity of maps on generalized matrix algebras. Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 22 (2011) 743-757

[31] Yanbo Li. Centres of symmetric cellular algebras. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 82 (2010) 511-522



[1] 胞腔代数、Schur-Weyl对偶与Wreath,河北省自然基金, 2021.01-2023.12,在研,主持人

[2] Periplectic Brauer代数的结构、表示及其应用, 国家自然科学基金,2019.01-2022.12,已结题,第一参与人

[3] 胞腔代数及其在分析中的应用,河北省自然基金, 2017.01-2019.12,已结题,主持人

[4] 典型群与量子群的不变量理论及其应用,国家自然科学基金, 2014.01-2016.12,已结题,第一参与人

[5] 胞腔代数的中心、根基与Hochschild上同调,河北省自然科学基金, 2013.01-2015.12,已结题,主持人

[6] 胞腔代数的分次理论,中央高校基本科研业务费,2014.01-2015.12,已结题,主持人

[7] 胞腔代数与仿射胞腔代数,中央高校基本科研业务费,2012.01-2013.12, 已结题,主持人


[1] 李彦博,肖占魁 Morita系统环上的可加映射. 沈阳: 东北大学出版社, 2012.

[2] 李彦博 Frobenius胞腔代数. 沈阳:东北大学出版社, 2015






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